Developer Guide

Running tests

Run tests using pytest.

First activate the emu Conda environment and install pytest.

$ cd emu
$ source activate emu
$ conda install pytest flake8  # if not already installed

Run quick tests (skip slow and online):

$ pytest -m 'not slow and not online'"

Run all tests:

$ pytest

Check pep8:

$ flake8

Run tests the lazy way

Do the same as above using the Makefile.

$ make test
$ make testall
$ make pep8

Bump a new version

Make a new version of Emu in the following steps:

  • Make sure everything is commit to GitHub.
  • Update CHANGES.rst with the next version.
  • Dry Run: bumpversion --dry-run --verbose --new-version 0.8.1 patch
  • Do it: bumpversion --new-version 0.8.1 patch
  • … or: bumpversion --new-version 0.9.0 minor
  • Push it: git push --tags

See the bumpversion documentation for details.