
The installation is using the Python distribution system Anaconda to maintain software dependencies. Anaconda will be installed during the installation process in your home directory ~/anaconda.

The installation process setups a conda environment named emu with all dependent conda (and pip) packages. The installation folder (for configuration files etc) is by default ~/birdhouse. Configuration options can be overriden in the buildout custom.cfg file. The ANACONDA_HOME and CONDA_ENVS_DIR locations can be changed in the Makefile.config file.

The default installation does not need admin rights and files will only be written into the $HOME folder of the installation user. The services are started using supervisor and run as the installation user.

Now, check out the emu code from GitHub and start the installation:

$ git clone
$ cd emu
$ make clean install

After successful installation you need to start the services:

$ make start  # starts supervisor services
$ make status # shows supervisor status

The depolyed WPS service is by default available on http://localhost:8094/wps?service=WPS&version=1.0.0&request=GetCapabilities.

Check the log files for errors:

$ tail -f  ~/birdhouse/var/log/pywps/emu.log
$ tail -f  ~/birdhouse/var/log/supervisor/emu.log

You will find more information about the installation in the Makefile documentation.

Non-default installation

You can customize the installation to use different ports, locations and run user.

To change the anaconda location edit the Makefile.config, for example:

ANACONDA_HOME ?= /opt/anaconda
CONDA_ENVS_DIR ?= /opt/anaconda/envs

You can install emu as root and run it as unprivileged user like www-data:

root$ mkdir -p /opt/birdhouse/src
root$ cd /opt/birdhouse/src
root$ git clone
root$ cd emu

Edit custom.cfg:

extends = buildout.cfg

hostname = emu
http-port = 80
output-port = 8000
log-level = WARN

# deployment options
prefix = /opt/birdhouse
user = www-data
etc-user = root

Run the installtion and start the services:

root$ make clean install
root$ make start      # stop or restart
root$ make status

Run Emu as Docker container

You can also run Emu as a Docker container, see the Tutorial.